The Ultimate End-of-Summer Wellness Reset with Karee and Leah

Admin Hays



As the summer fun winds down, it's the perfect time to reset and recharge your mind, body, and skin. The dynamic mother-daughter duo, Karee and Leah, share their top tips on transitioning into the new season with ease! From skincare secrets to self-care strategies, this post is your go-to guide for embracing the new season feeling refreshed and revitalized! 

1. Adjust Skincare Routine 

It is crucial to change up your skincare routine and products as the weather changes with the new season. Now is the time to correct and protect the skin barrier that might have been damaged by the summer sun. 


 Exfoliation is an essential part of my weekly skincare routine to keep my skin looking radiant and healthy. For physical exfoliation, I rely on the KH Shaving Razor for a smooth, flawless finish. I also incorporate our KH Advanced Brightening Scrub to gently refine my skin's texture. To amplify the glow, I apply the Anti-oxidant Pro-C E Serum, followed by our KH Koji Creme, which delivers an extra boost of hydration and powerful antioxidants. This combination leaves my skin feeling refreshed, revitalized, and glowing.


Fall usually brings lots of fun events like weddings and baby showers, so I like to do my KH Sheer Shine pads the night before anything big. The lactic acid serves as an exfoliant while the urea preps my skin to better absorb make-up the next day. I also get more serious about my antioxidants and always make sure to do my KH Mega Bright Anti-oxidant T Pads 2-3 times a week.

2. Prioritize Sleep

As the summer fun winds down and we begin to experience the busyness with kids heading back to school, making a habit of prioritizing sleep can benefit one’s overall wellness. With shorter days ahead, it’s also a good time to focus on getting rest and getting back to a regular sleep schedule. 


 I support my circadian rhythm by turning screens off an hour before bedtime and not looking at my phone until 30 minutes after I’ve woken up. I try to look at the sun and natural light before I pick up my phone in the morning. Another thing I love to do before bedtime is put a few drops of lavender essential oil in my kitchen sink after I’ve cleaned up my dinner mess. This signals my body that it’s time to relax and wind down from the day.

3. Hydration

Hydration plays a key role in detoxifying the body and maintaining healthy skin. It is imperative to make sure you are drinking enough water throughout the day to flush out toxins, improve digestion, prevent skin dryness and dullness, enhance cellular function, and boost energy.


I start my day with lemon water. Not only does it help with hydration but it is also proven to help with digestion, flush out toxins, and boosts Vitamin C in your daily routine. I also love mixing in my ARMRA Colostrum™ which has been helping my overall immunity and gut!


I am definitely in my ‘mocktail’ era! Right now, I’m loving mixing up a glass of coconut water, Celtic salt (I get mine from Whole Foods), and a splash of citrus or an herb from the garden. Clementine + Mint is one of my go-to combinations. Also, does it count if it’s not in a pretty glass? These are the ones I use!

4. Detox

With the summertime comes fun, fun, and more fun! Whether you overindulge or step out of your routine, detoxing can be a great reset tool to get ready for a new season.


For a great overall detox, I will do my homemade detox bath and then get into my infrared sauna. The two of these are amazing to flush out any toxins and promote relaxation. I also love using Castor Oil on my hands and feet before going to bed! 


Fill the bathtub with HOT water:

2 Cups Epsom Salt

1/3 Cup Hydrogen Peroxide

1 cup Baking Soda

Optional: Essential Oils

Submerge your body for 20 min and sweat!

5. Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is a powerful way to stay grounded and present in the moment, especially in a season of transition. It helps reduce stress, enhance focus, and improve overall well-being by fostering a greater awareness of your mental well-being. 


I do a 10-minute prayer and meditation walk each morning. My favorite “me” time is when I’m in the sauna and listening to a podcast. My current favorite podcasts are Pursuit of Wellness with Mari Llewellyn and Ancient Health Podcast with Dr. Josh Axe


To avoid stress during a busy transition period, I make time each day to unwind and take a moment for myself, whether that means sitting in silence in my sauna or bath or spending time with my dogs. I’ve also been enjoying listening to informational and inspirational podcasts. I’ve especially been loving Pursuit of Wellness with Mari Llewellyn, thanks to Leah!

6. Wellness Tune-Up

A wellness tune-up or check-in is a great way to assess your overall health and make any necessary adjustments. It helps ensure you're on track with your goals, addresses any emerging concerns, and keeps you feeling your best. Regular check-ins are essential for maintaining balance and optimizing your well-being.


A change of season means a change of exposure to different vitamins and minerals in our diet. Because of that, I have made it a goal of mine to start getting full panel lab readings with Another daily goal for me is to get as close to 1 gram of protein per body weight a day. My newest addition to my diet is supplementing with organ meats. Whether it’s grabbing an ancestral blend of ground beef + organ meats from the grocery store or taking my Ancient Nutrition Organ Blend, I try to get some exposure to organ meats each day. 


As a new season approaches, I always make it a goal to get back into a routine with movement, sleep, and my supplements. It’s so important, especially as we age, to stay diligent about regular health check-ups. I’ve come to love getting full labs done periodically—it allows me to adjust my supplements and routine to best support my overall well-being. My favorites lately have been Sunfsod SpirulinaThorne Curcumin, and Perfect Liver tablets!

7. Movement

As the seasons change, maintaining regular movement becomes even more crucial. Shifting weather and shorter days can impact our energy levels and mood, making it easy to fall into a sedentary routine. Incorporating movement, whether through exercise or daily activities, helps boost your energy, maintain physical health, and support mental well-being.


Rebounding has become one of my favorite ways to move. Not only is it a fantastic low-impact workout that’s gentle on the joints, but it also supports lymphatic drainage, boosts circulation, and tones muscles. Plus, it’s just so much fun!


During the summertime and fall, I notice that I’m always barefoot in my yard. This unintentional practice of ‘grounding’ promotes a sense of calmness and stability. I also feel that this puts me in a better mood for some reason – maybe just reconnecting with the earth. It’s just a 3-minute walk around in my yard with my dog and I can immediately tell a difference. I also try to stand up for 15 minutes every hour to keep my blood flowing. Lastly, I try to do a walk after dinner time to wind down from the day which also helps regulate my blood sugar from that meal!

8. Purify Your Space

Purifying your space from fragrances and harsh cleaning chemicals is crucial for maintaining a healthier environment. It improves indoor air quality, reduces exposure to harmful toxins, and supports respiratory health, particularly for those with sensitivities.


After tuning into a few podcasts about the sneaky dangers of certain ingredients, I made it my mission to purify my space. Now, I'm all about cleaner cleaning products and toxin-free everything—even my year-round Self-Tanning Mousse gets the green light! It’s been a fun challenge, and my home has never felt fresher!


For the past year, I’ve slowly been detoxing my body and home of all synthetic fragrances that are going to disrupt my hormones. Whether it’s switching out my body lotion for something more natural like this one. (If I want to add smell, I throw in some essential oils) or swapping my candles for beeswax, I am constantly on the journey to purge the toxins and live in a more holistic environment.


4 cups very hot water
1 cup baking soda
1/3 cup salt
1 cup Whole Naturals Castile Soap
Gallon-sized jug
5 cups Water
5 or so drops of your favorite essential oil

In a large spouted measuring cup, stir together the hot water and baking soda until the soda is dissolved.
Add the salt and stir until it is dissolved.
Add in Whole Naturals Castile Soap and stir gently to combine.
Pour the mixture into the one-gallon jug.
Slowly fill the gallon jug to the top with water. The soap will foam, but just keep filling until you have mostly liquid.
Gently shake before use.

Each load uses about 1/3-1/2 c. For top-loading washers, add while filling. If you find that the solution gets thicker overnight, just add a bit of boiling water, and shake before each use

9. Book Reset Skin Treatments

Booking regular skin treatments is key to maintaining a healthy, radiant complexion. As seasons change, so do our skin’s needs, making consistent care essential. Regular treatments help address issues like dryness, sun damage, and uneven texture, ensuring your skin stays balanced and glowing. 


As the season winds down, it’s the perfect time to hit reset and undo some of the 'summer fun' my skin has enjoyed over the past few months. My go-to treatments for erasing sun damage, sloughing off dead skin, and restoring a radiant glow are a deep cleansing Glow Facial, ADVA, and micro-needling for collagen production. The results are instantly refreshing—I can see and feel the difference right away.


After being in the sun for the majority of the season, I find myself in need of treatments that will correct and restore brightness and smoothness. My go-to reset treatments are micro-needling and a PRX peel (coming soon to KH!). 


Check out all of our end-of-summer wellness reset must-haves here


Stay tuned for our Fall favorites! 
